
硕士论文 2020-06-21 点击:



摘 要




  第二部分:分析了证据收集中存在的疑难问题。一是指出了在法医鉴定环节存在的疑难问题,建议通过完善重新鉴定的程序克服当事人权利滥用问题,对公检法机关“多头鉴定”也提出了解决方法,提出只要公安机关作出的法医鉴定书没有瑕疵不得在另行提出鉴定。因法定情形在后续起诉、审判阶段中依法再次启动法医鉴定后,建议成立法医鉴定仲裁机构确定哪家的法医鉴定是最终定案的证据。二是提出了获取真实言词证据的若干措施。对言词证据收集中出现的犯罪嫌疑人据供、证人不作证问题,提出通过修改法律鼓励如实陈述案情,严厉打击虚假陈述的措施,建议当事人的案件陈述纳入诚信评价体系。三是建议加强物证管理软硬件设施发挥物证效用。如果案件侦办过程中出现了物证灭失或无法移交的情况,要尽力还原物证原貌,或通过现场照片、走访关于物证的知情者、说服犯罪嫌疑人认可物证灭失的情况;对侦查中无形的物证是大体物或物证粘附在大体物上的情况,要紧跟拍照和摄像程序,当场让双方当事人质证,需要提 DNA 信息样本的,第一时间通知法医人员到场,并在犯罪嫌疑人的见证下开展物证提取工作。





  关键词: 概述;证据收集;强制措施;和解处置


  Light injury criminal case belongs to the category of intentional injury crime,there are more cases of light injury, the basic police station of public security organs has become the main force in investigating light injury cases. Due to the gradual improvement of the legal quality of the parties and other reasons, in the investigation stage, there are many difficult problems that can not be solved by current laws and judicial interpretations. Through the discussion of the article, the difficult problems in the investigation stage are pointed out, and according to the experience of handling cases, some solutions are put forward, it is expected that the competent authority will issue normative legal documents, guide frontline staff to standardize handling cases.

  Part one: Summary. This paper defines the concept of light injury cases, and based on the case of Zoucheng Public Security Bureau in Shandong Province in recent five years, the realistic characteristics of minor injury cases are analyzed, the disposal methods of investigating minor injury cases in China's public security organs are listed.Second part: The difficult problems in the collection of evidence are analyzed.

  The difficult problems in forensic identification and oral evidence are pointed out,it is proposed to overcome the abuse of the parties' rights by perfecting the procedure of re appraisal, the public security organs can make their identification of injury also proposed solutions.That is, as long as there is no flaw in the medicolegal expertise certificate made by the public security organ, it shall not be put forward for further identification. Even after the subsequent prosecution and trial stage, the forensic examination started again, It is suggested to set up a forensic arbitration institution to determine which forensic evidence is the final verdict. The problem of evidence and witness not to testify in the collection of verbal evidence, propose to amend the law to encourage the truthful statement of the case, measures to crack down on false statements, it is suggested that the party's case statement be included in the integrity evaluation system.

  Third part: The difficult handling of cases caused by improper application of compulsory measures by investigators. This paper puts forward some improper measures in the investigation stage to apply detention measures to cases that haven't been settled, it is suggested that the compulsory measures of bail pending trial should be given priority after mediation is fruitless. The public security organs abuse the right of detention, the number of arrests affects the handling of minor injury cases. It is suggested to introduce normative documents and list the circumstances that the minor injury cases can not be applied to detention measures, and apply to the procuratorial organs for electronic filing before the detention,increase the applicable procuratorial supervision channels for detention.

  Fourth part: The knotty problems in the settlement work. To find out the problems of lack of Mantianyaojia gold instruction standard compensation settlement,still needs to be transferred to trial after conciliation, after settlement, the disposal of Estoppel and other difficult issues. The article suggests that the guiding standard of compensation should be introduced in the settlement phase, The cases that have been settled in the investigation stage are assigned to the public security organs to end the cases of "not handing over the right to review and prosecute". In addition to the existence of coercion, fraud and other circumstances in reconciliation, In addition to the existence of coercion, fraud and other circumstances in reconciliation, it is suggested that the case investigation procedure should not be restarted.

  Fifth part: epilogue. Review the writing process, summarize thesis view, hope for further research on light injury cases in the future.

  Key Words: Summary ; evidence collection; coercive measure; settlement

目 录

  摘 要
  引 言
  第 1 章 概述
      1.1 轻伤害案件的界定及犯罪特征
          1.1.1 轻伤害案件的概念
          1.1.2. 轻伤害犯罪的主要特征
      1.2 我国公安机关侦办轻伤害案件的处置方式
  第 2 章 证据收集中存在的疑难问题及解决建议
      2.1 法医鉴定环节中存在的疑难问题
          2.1.1 案例概况
          2.1.2 关于重新鉴定中存在的问题
          2.1.3 多部门重复进行法医鉴定程序存在的问题
          2.1.4 公检法机关各自进行法医鉴定后存在的问题
      2.2 言词证据收集中存在的疑难问题
          2.2.1 犯罪嫌疑人拒绝供述真实案情的疑难问题
          2.2.2 证人不作证或提供虚假证言存在的问题
          2.2.3 证据过于单一难以认定犯罪事实的问题
      2.3 物证收集、保管、出示中存在的问题
          2.3.1 案例概况
          2.3.2 物证收集工作中存在的问题
          2.3.3 物证保管中存在的问题
          2.3.4 物证意外灭失或无法移交时存在的问题
      2.4 关于证据收集中疑难问题的解决建议
          2.4.1 解决重新鉴定疑难问题的若干建议
          2.4.2 “多头鉴定”及效力不确定问题的解决建议
          2.4.3 虚假陈述或故意隐瞒案情的解决建议
          2.4.4 证据过于单一案件的解决建议
          2.4.5 解决物证灭失或无法移交的建议
  第 3 章 适用强制措施疑难问题及解决建议
      3.1 轻伤案件中适用的强制措施简析
      3.2 未达成和解的案件直接适用拘留措施存在的问题
      3.3 公安机关独家行使拘留权存在的问题
      3.4 关于适用强制措施的建议
  第 4 章 和解阶段存在的疑难问题及解决建议
      4.1 关于赔偿金指导性标准空白的疑难问题
      4.2 没有建立预存赔偿金提存制度
      4.3 侦查阶段和解后存在浪费司法资源的问题
      4.4 和解后又反悔的处置工作中存在的疑难问题
      4.5 刑法典没有规定和解后从宽处理的制度
      4.6 关于和解阶段疑难问题的解决建议
  第 5 章 结论与展望.
      5.1 结论
      5.2 进一步工作的方向

引 言


  侦查阶段是轻伤害案件中十分重要的办案阶段,关系到案件能否走通后续的起诉、审判程序。本文立足于基层派出所的办案实践,在写作文章前阅读了邹城市公安局刑事案件档案中心资料,登录山东省公安机关执法办案系统查询了若干电子卷宗,并对 2012 年至 2016 年期间全局办理的轻伤案件进行了若干分析。5 年来全局共立故意伤害(轻伤)案件 689 起,占到全局刑事案件的比率是16%,办案中曾被当事人信访投诉 270 起,占轻伤案件总数的 40%,被投诉的案件中多数是因为侦查阶段出现了疑难问题,导致案件的侦办十分艰难。






