
政治经济学论文 2019-09-02 点击:

摘要:本文是以某市 20 岁以上之消费者为研究对象,主要目的在探讨消费者使用资产管理帐户的影响因素 以提供银行业者做为该产品行销之参考。本研究在消费者行为理论与相关文献的基础下,运用 EKB的模式架构,并采用问卷调查法,将调查资料经过统计方法分析,获致结果如下:消费者使用资产管理帐户的申请动机属性,主要分为考量成本因素、理财工具因素、灵活便利因素等三大因素;而使用资产管理帐户所考虑的评估准则属性,主要分为重视资金运用因素、重视帐户功能因素、重视利益功能因素等三大因素;受访者的工作生活型态主要分为细致规划型、冲动鲁莽型、稳定实力型、独立进取型等四大类;而由受访者的资产管理帐户之申请动机、本身的工作生活型态可区隔成四群,分别为保守群、积极群、稳健群、冲动群。一般消费者就资产管理帐户之资讯来源取得管道方面以大众传播媒体如电视广播与报章杂志如理财杂志等二项为主要讯息来源。
  The study in the factors which influence consumersto use “Money Management Account”
  Abstract:This essay researches on the consumers who are over twenty years old and live in Tainan, for the purpose of studying the factors which influence consumers to use“Money Management Account”, and in order to provide a reference of product sales for bankers. On the basis of consumer behaviors theory and references, this research make use of EKB model and questionnaire survey. By analyzing the survey data in Statistics method, the results obtained are as follows: the consumers' motivation types of applying for“Money Management Account” can be divided into three main factors: cost, money management tools and convenience. The assessment principles types concerned in using “Money Management Account” can also be divided into three main factors: they are attach importance money utilize、account and benefit function . The working and living styles of those who are visited can be divided into four types: they are meticulous plan type,impulse crude type,stabilize type and independence type. The motivation of applying for “Money Management Account” and the styles of working and living of those who are visited can be divided into four groups: they are conservative group, active group, steady group and impulsive group. A general consumer can mainly get the information of“Money Management Account” from mass media like TV and radio or newspapers and magazines.www.xielwb.com/zhengzhijingji/87589.html.
  This research suggests that bankers should strengthen the professional field of financial investment of securities in products functions of “Money Management Account” in order to satisfy the security investment functions which are thought much of and liked by consumers. They should also strengthen the multiple training of bank clerks, and lay emphasis on bank business, security business, insurance business to make the products functions of“Money Management Account” more complete. In sale strategy, the selection of target market should put stress on fertilizing the money management information and sufficient specialization to raise the use of steady consumers. Moreover, it should also be able to provide a flexible,energetic and convenient way of getting capital for active consumers to meet their needs of investing every money management products.
  Key words:Money Management Account 、Consumer Behavior Life.work Style、Market Segmentation、evaluate criteria
  第一章 绪论
  第一节 研究背景
  第二节 研究动机
  第三节 研究目的
  第四节 研究范围与对象
  第五节 研究流程
  第二章 相关理论基础与文献探讨
  第一节 资产管理帐户特性与银行业自动化探讨
  第二节 市场区隔相关理论与文献
  第三节 消费者行为相关理论与文献
  第三章 研究方法
  第一节 研究架构
  第二节 问卷架构
  第三节 问卷设计
  第四节 抽样设计与资料收集整理
  第五节 统计分析方法
  第四章 统计资料分析
  第一节 样本代表性
  第二节 问卷信效度分析
  第三节 叙述统计与单变量分析
  第四节 因素分析
  第五节 集群分析
  第六节 典型相关分析
  第七节 区别分析
  第五章 结论与建议




